
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Baby Sesame's Story!

So, I can't believe I haven't posted anything in about two months (Bad Karen!), but in my defense, I've been a little preoccupied. Brady and I have kept pretty busy with library classes, Gymboree, playgroups, Christmas shopping/decorating/baking, and lots of weekend trips. Oh, and doctor appointments for Baby boy #2!! I figured it was time to dedicate a post to the newest little man in our lives.

Long story short, we found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks after we moved to Pennsylvania. We jokingly call this baby our "Florida Souvenir." We really hadn't planned on trying for another baby for another 6-9 months or so, but God had other plans in mind for us. Basically that has been the theme for 2012. If you had asked me at the end of 2011 what I thought my life would be like a year from then, I would have never thought to say, "Probably being a stay at home mom, living in Pennsylvania, pregnant with my second little boy." It's been a year of me living that song, "Jesus, Take the Wheel." and as a crazy planner who usually likes to know exactly what comes next in life, it's been a crazy/scary/adventurous/freeing experience that I wouldn't trade for anything!

This picture of Chris cracks me up. We were in such shock at this moment. We went from, "whaaaat?" to "Yay!" to "Holy moly we have a ton of stuff to finish around the house." Basically as soon as the first test was positive, Chris turned into a maniac finding projects to do around the house. It was around 9 at night and he got on a ladder to finish painting our living room because he "had to get it done before the baby got here!" I love my husband. I'm not sure he even got off the ladder to look when I took the remaining 2 tests in the box (for extra confirmation!)

I immediately got online to try and figure out how far along I was and my potential due date. The internet said I was probably between 5-6 weeks pregnant and that our baby was the size of a Sesame seed. From that point on this baby was lovingly nicknamed, Baby Sesame. It was quite appropriate considering the amount of Sesame Street that we watch around here.

My first trimester was filled with lots of naps. Fatigue was definitely my biggest symptom this time around. This meant that I was pretty useless with the unpacking, painting and new house projects that had to be done. Again, I love my husband because he totally picked up the slack when I was being unproductive. Basically I took care of Brady and cooked and figured that was my contribution to the family.

11 weeks- popped much quicker this time around!

I'm trying to be good about taking weekly belly shots this time around, but to be honest, it's more like bi-weekly because we just seem to get busy and forget! My cravings are very similar to what they were with Brady- desserts! I might have eaten 2 cherry pies in one week (with the help of my family!) Christmastime seems like free reign to go nuts with baking and satisfy any cravings I have. My January weigh in might be a little scary!

This baby is just as active and crazy during ultrasounds as Brady was. He is constantly moving (which I kinda love!) and will no doubt be as rambunctious as his big brother.

13 wk ultrasound
 When it came time to finding out what we were having, Chris and I both said we didn't care what it was. Part of me always wanted a little boy, and I got him, so I was open to anything! But when the ultrasound tech said, BOY at our 20 week anatomy check, our true feelings must have come out because we, wait for it, hi-fived! Chris and I hardly ever do that, so it was so strange that we both went in for a hi-five, of all things! We were so excited about Brady growing up with a brother so close in age as him (they will be about 21 and a half months apart.) In a weird way, I feel like I was meant to be a "boy mom" so it just feels perfect. I picture our lives filled with baseball practice, football games, messy floors, grass stained jeans, and lots of mommy/son date nights!
22 and 1/2 weeks

Now that I am about half way through my second trimester, I am feeling great and starting to get the itch to work on the nursery. The nursery was almost Chris' office, but that quickly changed and we now have a guest room/office and an empty room just waiting to be filled for our new little boy. My due date is April 4, so we will soon see if this little one has to be kicked out like his brother or surprises us and comes early- he's been surprising us from the beginning, so that would make sense!


  1. I LOVE that you high-fived. I didn't know that part of the story....hilarious! So happy for u guys. Can't wait to watch your two boys grow and share in many adventures!!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story... loved hearing it!
