I love my hubby. Yeah, he's not perfect. Yeah, he can be a little bit of a dramatic baby. Yeah, he has 0 tolerance for when our cat is annoying. But, when it comes down to it, he's the best husband and dad that I could have ever dreamed up for our family. Seeing as how so much of our lives revolve around babies, toddlers and animals, I thought he deserved a little attention on the ol' blog for a change.
For our first married Valentine's Day, Chris started a scrap book for us that each of us takes turns making a page for each year. Every Valentine's Day, one of us makes a "Top 10 Reasons I Love You" list for our page. (I know, extremely cheesy and something a girl would think of with the help of Pinterest, but I love it!) I thought I'd do something similar on here to give my guy a big internet shout out- which he will most likely be highly embarrassed of. Oh well, here goes...
Reasons I love Chris!
1- He takes care of all the icky jobs around the house. Diaper Genie, Litter Box, trashcans... Our house would be super smelly without you honey!
2- He's got no shame when it comes to karaoke or dancing. I love that I have never had to coax him into getting on the dance floor with me at a wedding. I love that if there is a karaoke machine in sight, he HAS to request Journey's "Don't Stop Believing."
3-He's a foodie like me! Our favorite show to watch is "Top Chef." If there's nothing else on, we always turn on Food Network. He has a secret man crush on Bobby Flay. We extensively plan out what restaurants we want to go to before going on vacations. And, best of all, he asks to cook dinner every once and a while! We are sure to grow old and happy and fat together...
4- He slow dances with me in the kitchen. I know, again, corny...but aren't we all looking for corny in our life? (Thank you "The Holiday" for that quote that never gets old.) Refer to item #2 on this list- the boy loves to dance and I love that he loves to dance with me! However, funny story; the other day Chris started dancing with me in the kitchen and he spun me around. I thought he was going to dip me- nope. I started falling back while Brady simultaneously rode into the kitchen on his tractor and crashed into both of us. All three of us came crashing down. Brady was fine (although, slightly annoyed that his tractor fell over) but Chris was clutching his knee writhing in pain (remember how I said he was a dramatic baby at times) and...all I could do was laugh.
5- He misses our kids SO much whenever he's out of town. He dreads traveling for work and wants to Skype at any chance he gets. He rushes home so he can read bedtime books to Brady and asks to be the one to put Nolan to bed. He knows that his job is what provides for our family and gives me the chance to be at home with our kids- his travel and weird schedule is the ultimate sacrifice for our kids!
I could go on and on... His passion for sports of any kind, his patience for me constantly rearranging things around our house, the way he tears up during those super sad Sports Center stories about athletes visiting sick kids, him knowing the words to most of the songs in "The Little Mermaid" and "Enchanted" (due to me having the same taste in movies as a 7 year old girl), his love for the GATORS, and the way he insists that we pray before every meal. This post was not meant to be a brag (I am in NO way claiming that Chris is a perfect man) just trying to give credit where credit is due. In a world full of insensitive, distracted, and not-so-great guys, I just wanted Chris to know that he is a rare, awesome, perfectly imperfect person and I'm so glad God gave him to us! Love you, honey!!!